Sunday, February 6, 2011

A my name is Amy ...!

Remember that game?  Turns out it's even fun as an adult, as Cait and I discovered when we used it to pass some time on our long hikes in stunning Patagonia.  I couldn't believe some of the hikes we completed, especially with our annoying minor injuries (blisters, knee strain) -- and cheesily enough, I am really proud of what we achieved!  A few experienced hikers said that some of the trails we all did were more difficult than what they were labeled by the parks (i.e. medium trails should have been coded as difficult trails), so guess it means that we are not as non-hiker-ish as we originally thought.  :)

Given the amount of hiking we did throughout our 2.5 week trip, I thought it best to give you the goods - i.e. the photos that captured it all.  Don't worry though, they're labeled, condensed to the very best (I started with 400), and many shots contain people.  

Even though it's summer in BA, it was definitely not summer down south (we sure do love that winter, huh).  The wind was insane in some towns (ahem, El Chalten, I'm talking to you!) and it was difficult to walk even to the waffle house next door. I thought I had seen rough wind in Tribeca when I nearly got knocked over walking to work, but that was the wind of a hand fan compared to the winds in these towns.

Anyway, click below for a virtual tour of our trip. :)

Patagonia 2011 (AR & CH)

I had so much fun on this trip and hope that you all have a chance to go someday!!  Next stop Mendoza (i.e. where all those delicious malbecs are grown), starting on Tuesday.  Ah, the joys of having some free time!

p.s. If you're curious, A my name is Amy and my husband's name is Arthur, we come from Alabama, and we sell Apples!


  1. Very proud of you! Enjoy Mendoza!

  2. The pictures were amazing !!! Have a great time in Mendoza. I loved the glaciers !!
